Friday, August 18, 2006

Random Names

When picking the name for my spankin' new blog today (because who doesn't have a blog??) it took me approximately 3 minutes to decide. And not because I had been dreaming of this day for so long that I just "always knew" what I'd pick, but because when I clicked on "create your blog now" I didn't expect to be faced with such a decision so quickly. The Blogspot put me on the spot. So after a minute of rolling a few possibilities around in my head I decided to just go by 3 criteria: 1, that it, of course, not be too cheesy-although seeminly inevitable; 2, that I not be embarrassed to tell my friends & family the name of my blog; and 3, that it describe a little part of me in some creative way that would make people say "oh, now that's clever. " about that. ::ahem:: I caved under the pressure & ended up using the thesaurus in Word to help me out, and my husband's cute nickname for me, combined the 2 & there you have it. Silly, embarrassing... and somehow I'm sure it's totally me.

In other news, I'm still celebrating my birthday, the real date of which was last Sunday. But I just got another present--so I say, "the party's still on!" I received a jar of Thai Kitchen Spicy Peanut Satay Sauce...because my friends know me. I discovered this stuff a month ago & brought it to lunch several times over a couple weeks with some veggies for dipping...but after a few days I had to keep mixing it extra good before each dip because it kept separating & I didn't know why. Hmmmm....

Fast forward a month later. The new jar tells me "SINCE WE DO NOT USE PRESERVATIVES, PLEASE ENJOY QUICKLY. PRODUCT WILL KEEP REFRIGERATED ONLY A FEW DAYS." Good thing to know. I've also apparently built a resistance to food poisoning.


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