Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I've been having trouble with Blogger all morning trying to get my photos uploaded. For the first couple hours it kept telling me there were errors or the page couldn't be displayed and now it's telling me "Done!" & then I look on my post & there's nothing new there. Hmm...very odd. I feel a bit of de ja vu.

Anyway, I'm still trying. I've got several more pictures from yesterday still I want to share. Aaaaand...I'm realizing that this is quickly becoming a Photography blog. WHO KNEW??! ::shrug::

No, this picture isn't upside down. It's really a reflection in the "gazing pool" (I guess you'd call it??). For those of you not from around here, it's directly above the underground parking garage and there are circles in the bottom of this shallow pool that allow light to come into the parking garage in the ceiling. It's much cooler-looking than I'm describing...

There's also a leaf in the bottom of the pool in this shot but I don't know how well you can see it. First one to tell me where it is wins something. Oh, wait, since I'm broke again now, you win nothing but the personal satisfaction. But that's okay, isn't it? Say "yes." "Yes, that's an excellent arrangement."

And a few final ones of the kiddo looking at & then eating a leaf.

He looks very sneaky about it too...


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