Thursday, September 07, 2006

Oh For Heaven's Sake

This is me this morning when I realized after getting mad at Yahoo! & deleting my account yesterday that I'd also just deleted everything in my Flickr account too. Oh but it had to be done. I can still cry a little on the inside though, can't I?

If you're into poop stories... The Husband & I pulled into Nebraska Furniture Mart's 32 acre parking lot yesterday evening when I began to smell something foul coming from the most definite direction of the baby. Well, "began" is an understatement. It hit me like a dump truck with it's putrecense of poo. So we pop out the stroller & I begin to change Baby. It's bad, really bad, so I plop (I think it even made that sound too) the diaper on the ground for a moment while I attempt to keep Baby from sticking his hands in the poo. Husband is watching & gagging & then says, "Look! He's got a ring of poo around his nuts." Keen observation. I am buckled over with laughter none the less while still cleaning Baby. Around us, people are coming & going. Husband hands me more wipes, he spots a place I missed & I hold up Baby, back-side out, for him to wipe (hey, it's not easy changing a baby in a stroller in a parking lot while wedged between 2 cars) & I see a man look over at us holding baby's bare butt mid-air while Husband wipes off the remnants of what he guesses is sweet potatoes & corn:

Me: People are going to think we're totally incompetent parents.
Husband: Watch out! The diaper! (He wrangles foul diaper on the ground before the stroller rolls into it.) Well, maybe you are kind of incompetent.

At that point we decided to cut our social losses & move on...


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