Thursday, October 26, 2006

Who says sea cows aren't cute??

This is pulling at my heart strings: The recent story of a manatee who swam too far north into the cold waters of the Mississippi and is stuck there still right now until it's rescued & sent back to Florida leads me to think back to my Florida days of visiting Homasassa Springs on the Gulf Coast to see the gentle manatees in the "warm" spring waters. The springs are actually really cold to us - about 76 degrees - but the temp is constant year round so that's why they head for the Florida rivers & springs in the winter. One thing we never got to do while we lived there was swim with the manatees. I guess we'll have to go back to visit for that. But, if you've got a soft spot for the endangered sea cows like I do, check out They're actually not on the endangered list anymore but that doesn't mean awareness should go down or that all is safe. They are still a protected species and they are still cut quite often from propellers or they get tangled in fishing line. All the ones I've ever seen have huge scars on their bodies from being injured. This is my cause of the month!!


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