Sunday, November 05, 2006

New Existence

So, I'm very excited that I've finally gotten a new url for my photo site. It's still under construction but hopefully it won't be long. I'm working on my mom's website first & then I'll have time to do my own. But, for future reference it's

My mom & I will be sharing hosting that allows enough space for both of our own sites. And since I'm doing hers anyway, it made great sense to split the costs. I don't know why I didn't think of doing that sooner.

Check out if you're ever interested in a great hosting plan. I used them in the past for my "old existence" and never came close to using all the space & features it had...even with all my photos on there...& you all know how many pics I had on there! It only took us a couple weeks to decide to get their cheapest plan (3.95/mo) that allows 2 different domains & has 100GB of storage. I think last time I used 8% of my max storage & at that time it was something like 100MB. :o)


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